We have yet to find a pet owner (or anyone else for that matter) who likes fleas. Known for spreading disease, menacing humans and animals, and infesting homes, fleas are difficult to eradicate. Only a few fleas are needed to build a thriving colony because of their rapid reproduction rates. So, it only makes sense that dog owners would need to know how to control fleas before they become a major problem. As a mobile dog groomer, we take strong precautions to eliminate fleas. One way we do this is by understanding how fleas work.
How Fleas Infest
The battle against fleas begins with knowing how they multiply. Before female fleas begin laying hundreds of eggs at a time, they need to feed on blood. They are capable of feeding on approximately 15 times their body weight every day. Female fleas lay eggs about every 48 hours. Consequently, female fleas that feed daily are the primary cause of infestations.
The laid eggs present the second problem. Even when the active fleas are killed, the eggs can remain living for nearly 2 years while they await a new host. These eggs can rest within carpet, hardwood floor cracks, rugs, bedding, gardens, and grasses. They can feed on the feces of other fleas, organic debris, and tapeworm eggs. Interestingly, when they feed on tapeworm eggs they can pass tapeworms on to animals and humans. This is why some new pets that seem to have a flea free bill of health, then suddenly become flea infected when brought into a home or yard.
Treating Flea Infestations
The most effective way to get rid of fleas is to treat your pet and its environment. While a vet can recommend the best treatment for your pet, if the environment is not treated a re-infestation will occur. Whichever route you choose, it is important to act fast. The longer you delay the greater the number of fleas and eggs are produced.
It’s A Dog’s Life Spaw serves the entire Temecula Valley and surrounding areas with professional dog grooming. If you would like to schedule an appointment call us at (855) 774-7729.